Jane Mc Dermott, Orla Crilly, Andrea Mc Quillan, Adele Cunningham, Sonja Van Kalkeren
Opening welcome from Chair. Introductions of each attendee
Chairperson: nominated, seconded, elected: Jane Mc Dermott
Vice Chair: nominated, seconded, elected: Adele Cunningham
Secretary: nominated, seconded, elected: Orla Crilly
PRO: nominated, seconded, elected: Andrea Mc Quillan
Committee Member: Sonja Van Kalkeren
It was discussed and agreed to retain the name Lilywhite Ladies Supporters Club. It was agreed that initially that there would be no joining fee for the club. We will also remain Independent from the football club proper.
The objectives have been determined:
1. To bring together the female supporters of Dundalk Football Club.
2. To encourage liaising with female supporters from other clubs.
3. To promote LOI to a younger female fanbase.
4. To encourage more women to attend LOI games.
These objectives may be expanded at any time in future to suit the needs of the Club. It was agreed that an expanded social media presence would reach more supporters. Improving Facebook content, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram accounts. We also agreed to look at the emblem and branding imagery for the club. It was agreed that a social event would be a starting point for bringing people together. Suggestions were made to have a get together based around an upcoming Ireland game in September. Lilywhite Lounge was suggested as a possible venue and Chair to approach club for feedback. September 4th is the date of the next Irish game. It was agreed to set up a WhatsApp group to keep in contact and a list of emails was compiled to share other business.
Conclusion of meeting. Next meeting to be decided.
Minutes Compiled by Secretary.